How Ricky Martin Bangs

So I hear Ricky Martin is gay.

According to popular stereotype straight men can't dance, and if there is one thing that Ricky does know how to do, it is to dance. So I guess we ought not be too surprised at his recent relevation.

I wonder how his official homosexual status will influence his sales as a singer? Will his girl fanbase now be completely taken over by pink money? His songs and music videos have always, at least in my opinion, catered for the heterosexual market. Take for instance his "She Bangs" song and music video:

Speaking of videos, who is the target market for this eerie seductive video promoting his coming album?

The video looks more like part of a postmodern art exhibition than a marketing stunt for a new latin pop album.

In other news, Ricky is going to play the character Che in the Broadway musical Evita next year.

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