10 Fakta Unik Tentang Sakit Kepala

Masih bersama saya happy blogging today. Pada artikel kali ini happy blogging today akan memberikan info kepada anda tentang 10 fakta unik tentang sakit kepala. Berkaitan dengan sakit tentu kita tidak mengharapkan itu tapi apabila itu terjadi kita harus menerimanya. Karena kita ketahui kehidupan itu diliputi oleh dua warna artinya apabila ada sehat tentu adapula sakit.
Sakit kepala pasti Anda

Mengenal 13 Macam Jenis Keju Lezat

Mengenal 13 Macam Jenis Keju Lezat - Pada artikel kali ini happy blogging today ingin berbagi pengetahuan kepada Anda tentang makanan. Makanan ini sangat terkenal didunia dan kaya akan protein makanan itu adalah keju, tentu anda tidak asing lagi dengan makanan ini bukan?
Diartikel kali ini happy blogging today tidak akan membahas apa itu keju dan asal pembuatan keju karena telah berlalu posting

Djokovic Juara Australia Terbuka

Djokovic Juara Australia Terbuka - Impian petenis Inggris Andy Murray menjuarai turnamen Grand Slam pupus sudah. Ia ditundukkan Novak Djokovic di final Australia Terbuka di Melbourne, Ahad (30/1). Djokovic menang tiga set langsung 6-4 6-2 dan 6-3.Kegagalan Murray membuat penantian panjang bagi Inggris selama 75 tahun belum berakhir. Selama kurun waktu ini tak satu pun petenis tunggal putra

Video N.Djokovic Vs A.Murray Final Australian Open 2011

        N.Djokovic Vs A.Murray Australian Open 2011 Set and championship points

Australian Open 2011, Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Sunday, 30th January, 2011Novak Djokovic defeated Andy Murray 3:0Congratulations Nole, you are a real champion          
      Serbian fans FTW N.Djokovic Vs A.Murray Australian Open 2011

They literally singing and cheering throughout the match, Murray's fans

Sumber Makanan Pemicu Jerawat

Sumber Makanan Pemicu Jerawat - Selain dipicu stres dan faktor kebersihan kulit, jerawat atau acne vulgaris juga berkaitan dengan kadar gula darah. Karena itu, berbagai jenis makanan yang banyak mengandung gula harus dibatasi jika tidak ingin punya wajah berjerawat.
Peningkatan kadar gula darah mempengaruhi kondisi hormonal yang pada akhirnya mengganggu fungsi kelenjar minyak di permukaan kulit.

Video Australia vs Japan [0-1] FINAL 29-01-2011 [AFC ASIAN CUP 2011]

          Video Australia vs Japan [0-1] FINAL 29-01-2011 [AFC ASIAN CUP 2011]

                   Japan 1-0 Australia Full Highlights 29-01-2011

Japan is the best in Asia, without Kagawa, Tulio, Nakazawa, Matsui, and Murimoto they still get the job done. Nagatomo was amazing in this game, but nobody better than Kawashima the best Goalkeeper of the tournament bar none.

Lee the half

Toshiba Dynabook Qosmio T750 Notebook yang Dapat Berubah Warna

Toshiba Dynabook Qosmio  T750 Notebook / Laptop yang Dapat Berubah Warna - Kali ini happy blogging today akan memberikan informasi terbaru dari laptop Toshiba. Informasi ini sangat menarik buat Anda terlebih lagi bagi Anda yang telah merasa bosan dengan tampilan notebook Anda. Perlu anda ketahui baru-baru ini Thoshiba melunjurkan produk terbarunya yaitu Toshiba Dynabook Qosmio T750 yang menarik

Some Friends in Joburg

In Johannesburg I got to visit with at least three friends; unfortunately I missed out on some others because we couldn't synchronise our schedules.

I stayed over at Ronel's. What I enjoy about our friendship is the level of 'telepathy' -- for lack of a more explicable description -- we enjoy. Since the very first time we met, we just immediately clicked at a very emphatic level. For instance, the other morning Ronel finished my sentence when I wanted to go to the Apartheid Museum. We didn't speak about anything related to the Apartheid Museum, so for her to correctly guess that I wanted to go there, of all places in Johannesburg, is quite unusual. Of course one could call it coincidance and I would have been the first to suppose it to be nothing more than coincidence, was it not that this sort of thing happens a lot with us. For instance, when she phoned me some years back to tell me that she was getting married, I told her that exactly the moment she said hello -- even though I had no idea that she was in a serious relationship.

I also got to see my old school friend Yvonne. There is something about our relationship that makes us take inventory of our lives. Since the two of us left high school we have met up once a year, maybe missing out only on one or two occassions. Because we know each other for such a long time, and since we only get to see each other for a few hours once a year, we have learned to make the most of those hours. Within the limited time available to us, we review hour past, distill the main points of our presents and give a synopsis of our future ambitions. For me a visit with Yvonne is very much a way to review my life and reassertain my future goals.

Werner and I lived in a commune together while we were university students. All of us that stayed in that house together became very close -- family. This was the first time for me to officially meet Werner's partner.

I was hoping to see many more friends that stay in the Johannesburg area but had I stayed there any longer, I would not be able to get everywhere I need to get to during my stay in South Africa.

Currently, I'm in Tzaneen for a few days. From here I may visit Polokwane, then go to Bela Bela for a Taekwon-Do meeting, after which I hope to stop in Pretoria, before dashing off to KwaZulu Natal.
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Kata Dokter Soal Penyakit Adjie Massaid

Kata Dokter Soal Penyakit Adjie Massaid - Aktor sekaligus anggota DPR dari Fraksi Partai Demokrat, Adjie Massaid, meninggal dunia pada usia 43 tahun, Sabtu dinihari lalu. Menurut diagnosa dokter RSUP Fatmawati, tempat ia dirawat, penyebab kematian pria itu adalah karena serangan jantung akut.
Namun, banyak kalangan masih ragu mengenai penyebab meninggalnya suami dari Angelina Sondakh itu. Sebab,

5 Cara Sehat Mengecilkan Pipi Tembem

5 Cara Sehat Mengecilkan Pipi Tembem - Banyaknya lemak di pipi dapat membuat orang tampak lebih gemuk dari sebenarnya. Selain karena faktor gemuk, pipi tembem juga disebabkan karena kurang minum air. Bagaimana cara mengecilkan pipi chubby?
Mempunyai pipi chubby alias tembem kadang terlihat tampak menggemaskan, tetapi hal itu tidak berlaku untuk semua orang. Sebagian orang menganggap pipi chubby

Matahari dalam 3 Dimensi

Matahari dalam 3 Dimensi - Dari Bumi, Matahari terlihat bagai bola kuning yang menyilaukan. Meski menampilkan wajah beda, foto-foto sang surya yang diambil satelit luar angkasa masih dua dimensi.
Dan, pada Minggu 6 Februari 2011 terbukti: Matahari berbentuk bola. Satelit milik Badan Antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA) berhasil mengambil gambar Matahari secara tiga dimensi.
"Ini adalah untuk pertama

Kegemukan dan Kurang Aktivitas Picu Kanker

Kegemukan dan Kurang Aktivitas Picu Kanker - Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) memperkirakan 30 persen risiko terjadinya kanker diakibatkan oleh faktor kegemukan (obesitas) dan kurangnya aktivitas fisik ,antara lain karena terlalu banyak duduk.
"Sebagai anggota dari UICC (the Union for International Cancer Control), Yayasan Kanker Indonesia merasa terpanggil untuk memberi informasi mengenai kanker,

12 Makanan Sehat bagi Pecinta Futsal

12 Makanan Sehat bagi Pecinta Futsal - AHLI gizi akan menjawab pertanyaan yang berbeda tentang kebutuhan makanan yang tepat untuk mendukung olahragawan tetap sehat. Namun inilah 12 jenis makanan yang telah direkomendasikan oleh para ahli gizi khusus untuk pecinta olahraga futsal yang disarikan dari spiritfutsal.com.
Kunci bagi Anda adalah untuk melengkapi kebutuhan tubuh akan nutrisi yang penting

Video Uzbekistan vs Australia [0-6] AFC Asian Cup 2011

            Uzbekistan vs Australia 0-1 Harry Kewell Goal 25-01-2011

         Uzbekistan vs Australia 0-2 Sasa Ognenovski Goal 25-01-2011

          Uzbekistan vs Australia 0-3 David Carney GOAL (25-01-2011)

        Uzbekistan vs Australia 0-4 Brett Emerton Goal (25-01-2011)

           Uzbekistan vs Australia 0-5 Carl Valeri GOAL 25-01-2011

          Uzbekistan vs Australia

Video Japan vs South Korea 2-2 (3-0 After Penalty) Asian Cup Semi Finals

 Video Japan vs South Korea 2-2 (3-0 After Penalty) Asian Cup Semi Finals

2011 AFC. Japan 1-1 Korea Republic

Less a day to relax, go with Iran in the game to overtime would have been tough physically, played well. I love football, Republic of Korea. Football Cheer Republic of Korea!!

Apartheid Museum

Yesterday a friend and I (we are both educated as graphic designers and she is still in the industry) went to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg.

I am sad to say that I am quite disappointed. I've heard these stories of tourists that attend it and start to cry terribly. I saw a number of tourists there yesterday, none of them seemed much affected. Now I don't know if the museum had changed over the years, but I wasn't very emotionally impressed by it either. There are two reasons for my apathy.

The first issue is information overload. Instead of giving clear visual impressions and evoking an experience, the museum is filled with walls upon walls of text to read. If I wanted to read that much I would have bought a book on the topic.

The second problem, which is somewhat related to the first, concerns the visual design of the museum's displays, particularly the graphic design. The purpose of good graphic design is to communicate information clearly and quickly. Unfortunately, a large number of the display pannels do not communicate clearly at all. Even some of the text colour was ill chosen as it did not standout clearly enough against the background colour -- a terrible graphic design faux pas.

As a museum that ought to communicate the autrocities of Apartheid, I think the museum is not very successful. They could have used many more emotional appeals and communicated the facts in more sense affecting ways, instead of just mostly text.

I'm not saying it is all bad. There was a video that gave a short overview of the conflicts in South Africa that led up to the Apartheid's regime, which was quite informative, but by and large, the museum did not impress me; which in itself is quite sad really. I truly hope that other museums and entities in South Africa do a better job at educating people on South Africa's past.
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Tips Mengganti Judul/Title Blog Menjadi Link

Tips Mengganti Judul/Title Blog Menjadi Link - Pada artikel kali ini happy blogging today akan memberikan sebuah tips kepada Anda yaitu bagaimana cara mengganti judul/title blog menjadi link. Seringkali kita menemukan sebuah Blog apabila kita mengklik judul (title) blog tersebut maka kita akan dibawa ke sebuah halaman tertentu - misalnya laman home dari blog. Dan itu berarti kita harus mengubah

Two School Friends

Over the last few days I was able to meet up with two friends from high school.

The first was Howard and his family whom I've been able to visit on two occasions now. Howard and I befriended each other in the first year of high school and continued on to university where our friendship strengthened. With every visit in South Africa I make it a priority to visit with him and his family. I consider his two daughters as my nieces and like to bring them little gifts from Korea. Howard and I's friendship has undergone very little change during the years we have known each other and Howard's world view has stayed pretty much the same during all the time I've known him. This is not true for all my friends.

The other friend, I saw yesterday. Freddie and I became friends towards the latter part of high school when he entered my school and sat himself next to me in the computer science lab. Our shared passion for computer programming was the catalyst for our friendship, but we soon lost touch after school as he immediately went on to work in the IT-industry and I went on to study. While I was still busy with my first degree Freddie moved to Australia and has lived there ever since. He has been in Australia now for ten years, and it has been twelve years since the last time I saw him. He is in South Africa for a couple of days on account of his kid brother's wedding that occured the past Saturday. Was it not for the car accident I would not have been in this area and would not have had an opportunity to see him.
Freddie and I have changed a lot. At the time we were in school, I was a pantheistic New Ager and the two of us experimented with magic rituals. In the mean time, I've become a theist and Freddie admitted to have "come out of the closet" as a hardened atheist. In a previous recent post I told about my atheist friends and my level of comfort with them. Unfortunately I felt less comfortable with Freddie's revelation. Maybe I hoped that since we started in the same paradigm, that we would somehow grow along the same path and end up in the same new-paradigm. Instead, the two of us are now complete opposites -- him an atheist and I a theist. Yes, we still share many similar ideas, but there is little doubt that we grew apart. I guess I'm just a little sentimental about the world view that we used to share and was hoping that after all this time we would share the same world view again.
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Soderling failed, Murray into quarter-finals

Soderling failed, Murray into quarter-finals - Day eight Grand Slam Tennis Australian Open in Melbourne on Monday (24 / 1), were surprised by the collapse of four seeded Robin Soderling in the hands of non-seeded player Alexander Dolgopolov. While Andy Murray to stop the rate of Juergen Melzer.
Scot Andy Murray showed his dominance when serving challenge Austrian tennis player, Juergen

Panduan Lengkap Pasang Iklan Google Adsense di Blog

Panduan Lengkap Pasang Iklan Google Adsense di Blog - Pada artikel kali ini happy blogging today akan berbagi pengetahuan kepada Anda tentang panduan lengkap pasang iklan google adsense di blog tapi sebelum itu Anda harus tahu bahwasanya panduan ini sebenarnya telah ada banyak diberbagai situs. Disini happy blogging today ingin mengulas kembali dan sekaligus sebagai bahan referensi. Ok, tidak

Australian Open champion Djokovic

Australian Open champion Djokovic - British tennis player Andy Murray's dream to win the Grand Slam tournaments had vanished. He defeated Novak Djokovic in the final of the Australian Open in Melbourne on Sunday (30 / 1). Djokovic won three straight sets 6-4 6-2 and 6-3.
Murray's failure to make a long wait for the UK for 75 years has not ended. During this period none of the men's singles tennis

10 Tips Sebelum Membeli Notebook / Laptop

10 Tips Sebelum Membeli Notebook / Laptop - Salam happy blogging today, buat Anda yang ingin membeli notebook, ada baiknya Anda baca dulu artikel ini "10 Tips Sebelum Membeli Notebook". Mungkin dengan membaca artikel ini Anda bisa mempertimbangkan, kira-kira notebook yang terbaik mana yang  akan menjadi pilihan Anda.

Tips 1 : Screen

Hal pertama yang harus Anda perhatikan adalah tipe layar.

Cara Menghilangkan Cookie File dari Komputer

Cara Menghilangkan Cookie File dari Komputer - Pada artikel kali ini  happy blogging today akan menyajikan tips  bagaimana cara menghilangkan cookie file dari komputer. Mungkin ada diantara Anda yang belum mengetahui bagaimana cara menghilangkan cookie file dari komputer tapi sebelum itu, Anda terlebih dahulu harus mengetahui  apa yang dimaksud dengan cookie? 
Cookie adalah bagian kecil teks

More Details on the Accident

So people have been asking me what happened. The accident was actually quite simple. We were turning into a side road when a small truck (bakkie) hit us from the back. The bakkie was going much too fast and as we slowed down to turn he couldn't reduce his speed in time and struck us on the right rear.

Our car slid and spun once or twice. Thankfully it did not flip for looking at the the damage caused by the impacts, had the car flipped over surely one of us would have been dead.

In my previous post I mentioned how my back had started aching while waiting for my brother in hospital. It became much more acute as the hours passed and when my other brother arrived at the hospital he told me to also get X-rayed. By that time I was much less 'heroic' and agreed that it's a good idea to get checked over as well. The X-rays luckily showed now fractures; nonetheless, I possibly did hurt some muscles as I've been experiencing discomfort since yesterday and through the night. The pain has not improved much, although I was given some medicine by the doctor.

As for the rest of the other people in the accident. My younger brother looked rather bloodied. He had some cuts over his face and head, but luckily nothing serious. He also hurt his arm a bit, but also no serious injury. He does seem to have suffered a concussion though. While the X-rays do not show any fractures, we suspect that he did bruise his sternum as it is quite tender.

My brother's partner hit her head against her side window, shuttering it. The side of her head, including her ear and one eye is bruised. She refused to be admitted to hospital and checked over. I'm assuming that she also has a concussion.

Her daughter probably suffered the most emotional shock, but seems to be fine otherwise. She had to wear a neck brace for two days, but this morning took it off and refused to put it back on saying that her neck is not sore. (I suspect that as a teenage girl she is too embarressed to walk around with it on.)

The problem at the moment is that my brother does not have a roadworthy automobile at present.

Her daughter
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Car Accident

My younger brother, my older brother's partner and her daughter and I was in an automobile accident just now. The injuries are not too serious, although the younger two have been admitted to hospital. Both definitely have concussions. The girl, I think, might also have broken a rib or two. My brother has some small cuts over his head and face and possibly a fractured arm. As for myself, I have a scraped heel. My back is starting to hurt a bit, but I'm not going to admit myself to hospital as it will put too much stress on the rest of my family. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be something serious later. I also experienced a little shock some time after the accident occurred with symptoms of nausea and light headedness.

At the moment I'm waiting in hospital for them to inspect my brother. He and I came to a different hospital since he doesn't have medical aid. My older brother's partner's daughter does have medical insurance so she went to a private hospital.
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Nokia Diancam Apple, HTC Bayang-bayangi Samsung

Nokia Diancam Apple, HTC Bayang-bayangi Samsung - Top five vendor smartphone saat ini dipegang oleh Nokia, Apple, Research In Motion (RIM), Samsung, dan HTC. Namun posisi ini tidaklah mutlak, salah langkah sedikit bisa-bisa langsung dimanfaatkan vendor pesaingnya.
Menurut lembaga riset IDC, kewaspadaan ini terutama harus dipegang oleh sang pemuncak, Nokia. Memang, vendor asal Finlandia itu

Peneliti Temukan Bintang Baru di Bima Sakti

Bintang itu kemungkinan besar dicomot oleh Bima Sakti sekitar 700 juta tahun yang lalu
Peneliti Temukan Bintang Baru di Bima Sakti - Sekelompok bintang baru ditemukan di galaksi Bima Sakti. Menurut tim peneliti internasional, bintang-bintang ini diperkirakan merupakan sisa-sisa dari galaksi kecil tetangga dekat galaksi kita.
Kemungkinan besar, kelompok bintang-bintang ini ditarik oleh kekuatan

Tersesat di Hutan, Mari Kita Belajar dari Monyet

Tersesat di Hutan, Mari Kita Belajar dari Monyet - Masyarakat yang hidup di perkotaan, mungkin tidak banyak tahu soal kehidupan masyarakat suku pedalaman. Bila kita tersesat di hutan dan mengalami kelaparan atau kehausan, suku pedalaman Talang Mamak di Riau menyebut, tidak ada salahnya kita belajar ke monyet. Lho?
Marilah kita simak beberapa kearifan lokal bagi kita yang ingin memasuki kawasan

Tips Sukses Belajar PHP Secara Otodidak

Tips Sukses Belajar PHP Secara Otodidak - Sebelum Anda belajar menguasai PHP, happy blogging today sarankan agar terlebih dahulu Anda mengakrabkan diri dengan belajar mengenai HTML karena apa? Walaupun Anda menggunakan PHP Anda tidak akan terlepas dari tag-tag HTML.
Ok, sekarang kita langsung saja ikuti cara-cara dibawah  ini .
1. Untuk yang referensi berbahasa Indonesia Anda dapat membuka situs

Video FC Barcelona vs Malaga [4-1] 16/1/2011

                 Video FC Barcelona vs Malaga [4-1]  16/1/2011

            FC Barcelona vs Malaga 1-0 Iniesta Goal *HD* 16-01-2011

          FC Barcelona vs Malaga 3-1 Duda Amazing Goal  16-01-2011

       FC Barcelona vs Malaga 3-0 Pedro GOAL *HD* 16-01-2011

           FC Barcelona vs Malaga 4-1 All Goals &  16-01-2011

Video AC Milan vs Lecce [1-1] 16.01.2011

  AC Milan vs Lecce 1-0 Ibrahimovic AMAZING Goal 16.01.2011

  AC Milan vs Lecce 1-1 Olivera GOAL 16.01.2011

Lecce vs AC Milan | Highlights | 16 January 2011 : This is the big match for the AC Milan . Ac Milan have already face the team of the Lecce and Beat them by 4 goals .  Lecce  is doing good in the league they are ready to face the team of the AC Milan against . Lecce  have a

Atheists and Christians

On Friday night I visited a friend and his partner. He's an atheist. (She is also, kinda.) I often find it quite peculiar how well I get along with many atheists. Granted, I do not know that many self-professed atheists. There are far more people that don't seem to care either way -- agnostics by default, since they don't have much of an opinion on the matter. But back to atheists . . . I know a number of them, and have a couple of friends who accept the title. The more militant type of atheist (like the more militant Christian) I tend to avoid at all cost. However, the few atheist whom I call friends are truly people I appreciate and whose company I quite enjoy. For one, my atheist friends are quite intelligent. They're persuasion is an intellectual one, not one based one merely inherited by culture and tradition. Secondly, they are respectful of my conviction as I am of theirs. Thirdly, we share some common beliefs. The reason they do not believe in God is exactly the reason I do not associate myself with mainstream Christianity. If the God held up by mainstream Christianity -- the one that would keep people alive eternally so that He could torture them in hell through all ages -- was the only option, I would have chosen to cop-out of believing in God too. Luckily, I believe, there is an alternative. There is a God that does not command worship at the threat of torture. A God to whom freedom of choice is of utmost importance.

Yesterday I came to Potchefstroom to spend some time with a community of Christians here that I have come to care for deeply. A number of them share my idea of God. To some of them the Gospel is truly Good News. The message that God is not a vindictive, megalomaniac that doesn't say "love Me or go to hell." An alternative message: One that says that God is really on our side and that God actually do love us, no strings attached. A God that respects our freedom of choice so much that he would not force us into hell or heaven. Those that want to spend eternity with this God will. Those that do not, won't. God won't force you either way.
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Uang US$ 45 Juta Lebih Baik Digunakan untuk Percantik Taman Nasional Komodo

Uang US$ 45 Juta Lebih Baik Digunakan untuk Percantik Taman Nasional Komodo - 'Keributan' terjadi dalam perjalanan Pulau Komodo menjadi finalis New7Wonders. Daripada pusing-pusing, lebih baik Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata memikirkan bagaimana membenahi kondisi Pulau Komodo.
"Lebih baik uang US$ 45 juta digunakan untuk memperbaiki Komodo, ya akses ke lokasi dan kondisi Pulau Komodo sebagai

Selangor FC Lepas Safee ke Persib Bandung

Selangor FC Lepas Safee ke Persib Bandung - Striker Timnas Malaysia, Safee Sali, akan segera meninggalkan Selangor FC. Top scorer Piala AFF 2010 itu rencananya akan bergabung dengan tim Liga Super Indonesia (ISL), Persib Bandung.
Safee akhirnya luluh dengan rayuan Maung Bandung. Seperti dilansir situs resmi Federasi Sepakbola Asean (AFF), Minggu, 6 Februari 2011, pemain berusia 27 tahun itu telah

23 Easy Ways To Speed Windows Xp

23 Easy Ways To Speed Windows Xp - Since defragging the disk won't do much to improve Windows XP performance, here are 23 suggestions that will. Each can enhance the performance and reliability of your customers' PCs. Best of all, most of them will cost you nothing.
1.) To decrease a system's boot time and increase system performance, use the money you save by not buying defragmentation software

Bayer Leverkusen vs Borussia Dortmund [1-3] 14.01.2011

         Bayer Leverkusen vs Borussia Dortmund [1-3] 14.01.2011

Bayer Leverkusen vs Borussia Dortmund [1-3] 14.01.2011

Cara Mengubah Folder Download di Internet Explorer Versi 9

Cara mengubah folder download di internet explorer versi 9 - Internet Explorer 9 telah diluncurkan pada bulan September 2010 dengan misi untuk memulihkan popularitas browser. Hal ini dilakukan karena Internet Explorer kalah bersaing dengan Mozilla Firefox dan Google Chrome. Pada Internet Explorer 9  ini dilengkapi dengan fitur baru yang lebih mengutamakan dalam desain sehingga menjadi lebih

South Africa So Far

I arrived in South Africa on Tuesday morning. Not mutch occupied my time on the first day. I went shopping (bought some food to contribute to my host -- my brother) and got some credit for my cellphone card here in South Africa. I planned to go to the Taekwon-Do club in town but it turns out that it is still closed. Classes only resume next week, after the long holiday season.

On Wednesday I also stayed at home -- jet-lag getting the better of me.

Yesterday (Thursday) was much better. I worked a couple of hours on preparing for one of the classes I'm teaching this coming semester and basically finished the syllabus. I still have another module or two to prepare for.

Last night we (two of my brothers and I) went to watch the Afrikaans musical Liefling currently doing the South Africa cinema circuit. "Liefling" is not on my list of favourite films. I'm appreciative of the concept. They used many Afrikaans folk songs and weaved it all into an ellaborate romance. Unfortunately it all felt a bit forced. The characters were also by and large pretty shallow, even for a musical. Bobby van Jaarsveld, the Afrikaans pop-star, is the leading actor. Surprisingly, he was quite efficient, but even his performance could not save the movie. Again, its been decades since the last South African musical film, so things can only get better from here on.

Today was much busier. I went to the bank to get some stuff done, had to buy some clothes for tomorrow (I brought very little clothing with me), quickly visited with a friend, went to a cellphone shop to find out about using my Galaxy Tab in South Africa, was send to a service centre, went to an Internet shop, went back to the cell phone service centre, and am sitting now in a coffee shop waiting for my lift back to my brother's home. There, I will have to try and fix his computer. A virus caused havoc on it, so I was forced to format it last night and install a new Windows platform. The bad thing is that my brother does not have the install discs and drivers for his computer. I'm not quite sure how to remedy the situation.

Tomorrow I'm off to Potchefstroom for the weekend and then back to my brother's for a day or two before I start my journey northward -- final destination Tzaneen.

I'm thankful that I can actually use my phone now to access the Internet which will dramatically improve my stay in South Africa if I don't have to plan frequent visits to Internet cafes. The uncertain thing is how much it will cost. South African cellphone and Internet services are still ridiculously expensive.
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10 Alasan Orang Meninggalkan Internet Explorer / IE

10 Alasan Orang Meninggalkan Internet Explorer / IE - Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa Internet Explorer adalah browser yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia. Dan alasan utama karena berdasarkan fakta bahwa aplikasi ini sudah diinstal pada komputer Anda dengan sistem operasi Windows.
Selayaknya sebuah browser pasti memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihan begitu juga dengan Internet Explorer. Apabila

Daftar Top Situs Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

Daftar Top Situs Pertanyaan dan Jawaban - Pada posting ini happy blogging today akan membagikan kepada Anda, daftar situs pertanyaan dan jawaban yang ada di dunia maya
Tapi tidak semua situs hanya beberapa situs saja dan sedikit rincian, diantaranya situs yang baru dan juga situs yang populer sekarang maupun dahulu.

Dengan adanya situs-situs seperti ini mungkin bisa membantu Anda  didalam

Inter vs Genoa 3 - 2 Coppa Italia 12- 1- 2011

                         Inter Milan vs Genoa 3-2

Inter Milan vs Genoa 3-2 SCULLI Goal 12-01-2011

Inter - Genoa 3 - 2 | Coppa Italia 12 1 2011 - Highlights Primo Tempo i 2 gol di ETO'

Kuwait vs Uzbekistan (1-2) 2011 Asian Cup

                  Kuwait vs Uzbekistan (1-2) 2011 Asian Cup

Uzbekistan vs Kuwait (2-1) All Goals & Highlights- 12/01/2011

Cara Delete Account Facebook secara Permanen

Cara Delete Account Facebook secara Permanen - Kali ini Happy blogging today akan memberikan sebuah cara, bagaimana menghapus atau menghilangkan account facebook Anda secara Permanen. Bicara soal fecebook, siapa sich yang tidak kenal dengan jejaring sosial satu ini. Facebook merupakan jejaring sosial yang paling trend dan terpopuler saat ini. Apalagi dengan berbagai aplikasi yang menarik yang ada

8 Patients with tumors Dangerous In History

8 Patients with tumors Dangerous In History - This is the person who suffered the most violent in the history of the tumor. Among them are preserved and others are forced to live with the tumor until the end of his life.
Jose: Men Without Faces

Jose one of the most estrem facial tumor patient health history.51-year-old man from Portugal, the malignant tumor on his face is shaped like grapes, the

Cara Mengaktifkan / Membuka Account Facebook Yang Di Hacking

Cara Mengaktifkan / Membuka Account Facebook Yang Di Hacking - Bagi Anda yang mengalami masalah account facebooknya di hacking dan Anda belum mengetahui bagaimana cara mengaktifkan account Anda kembali. Maka artikel kali ini akan memberikan penjelasan secara detail kepada Anda, cara dan solusi agar account facebook Anda yang terkena hack itu bisa diaktifkan / dibuka kembali. Anda perhatikan cara

Tips Cara Mudah Mencegah Spyware

Tips Cara mudah mencegah spyware - Pada posting ini akan dibahas sedikit mengenai spyware. Walaupun spyware kedengaran seolah-olah datang dari film James Bond, sebenarnya tidak. Spyware berasal dari kata spy dan ware yang berarti software mata-mata, dan istilah spyware adalah sesuatu yang jauh lebih eksotis. Dalam arti luas, menggambarkan spyware program yang  diinstal pada computer  untuk

3 Alasan Tepat Untuk Berhenti Kerja

3 Alasan Tepat Untuk Berhenti Kerja - Tidak menikmati pekerjaan Anda saat ini? Mungkin itu merupakan indikasi awal bahwa Anda harus berhenti kerja. Tapi sebelum memutuskan hengkang, lihat dulu tiga alasan tepat berikut ini untuk keluar dari suatu perusahaan.
Berikut ini tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan bahwa Anda perlu untuk mencari pekerjaan baru.
Gaji rendahBeban kerja yang meningkat, tapi gaji

Waiting at the airport

Am sitting at Inchon airport waiting to bord. Have been waiting for three hours already. Another hour to go. The shuttle bus I took arrived much quicker than I expected. There was hardly any traffic. Luckily my new smart phone is still enough of a novelty to keep me sufficiently entertained. I've also had the pleasure to use Skype and chat with a friend online. It has really become difficult to imagine a world without Internet and soon it will be difficult to imagine a world without wireless Internet. I'm contemplating such thoughts even though there are still people in the world whom haven't even touched a computer keyboard yet.

I think I'll go see how much it is to use one of those fancy massage chairs they have in the lounge area.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Flippen goeie Koreaanse rock!

Het sopas op hierdie song (bo) van die Koreaanse groep Guckkasten (국카스텐) afgekom. Goeie oorryp piesangs, dis goed! Ek moet vir my hulle album in die hande kry. Miskien as ek tyd het more voor ek die bus neem lughawe toe kan ek in 'n musiek winkel 'n draai maak. Hier (onder) is nog een.

Kuwait vs China [0-2] - Asian Cup 2011

Kuwait vs China [0-2] - Asian Cup 2011

     Asian Games Kuwait vs China [0-2] Full Highlights 2011 Asian Cup 08-01-2011

08-01-2011 Mesaed Kick in the eggs Sent Off KUWAIT vs CHINA Asian Cup 2011

Video Arsenal vs Leeds ( 0-1 ) - FA CUP 2011

          Arsenal 0-1 Leeds

Snodgrass 54' (pen.) give Leeds united the lead, can they beat another premier legue giant again..

Quora Muncul, Kalahkan Twitter

Quora Muncul, Kalahkan Twitter - Sepanjang tahun 2010, popularitas Facebook dan Twitter bak di atas angin. Sebaliknya, MySpace, Friendster, dan Bebo, perlahan-lahan memudar di jagat jejaring sosial. Apa kabar jejaring sosial di tahun 2011?

Ada yang mengatakan Facebook batal IPO meski valuasinya sudah mencapai Rp450 triliun, MySpace dijual, hingga Twitter yang mulai membosankan. Namun, bicara

The History of Valentine's Day or Sejarah Hari Valentine

The History of Valentine's Day or Sejarah Hari Valentine - Cinta adalah sebuah kata yang indah dan mempesona yang hingga sekarang belum ada yang bisa mendefinisikan kata cinta itu sendiri. Meskipun demikian setiap insan yang memiliki hati dan pikiran yang normal tahu apa itu cinta dan bagaimana rasanya. Maha suci Dzat Yang telah menciptakan cinta.
Jika kita berbicara tentang cinta, maka secara

Kronologi Penanganan Dokter Sebelum Adjie Massaid Meninggal

Kronologi Penanganan Dokter Sebelum Adjie Massaid Meninggal - Jakarta Adjie Massaid meninggal secara mendadak akibat serangan jantung usai bermain sepakbola. Saat dilarikan ke rumah sakit, tim dokter sempat melakukan penanganan maksimal terhadap Adjie.
Direktur Medik dan Keperawatan RSUP Fatmawati, Dr Lia G Partakusuma menceritakan kronologi penanganan tim dokter saat Adjie dibawa ke rumah sakit.

Mengatasi Koneksi Internet Speedy Yang Lambat

Mengatasi Koneksi Internet Speedy Yang Lambat - Bagi anda pemakai internet tentu tidak aneh lagi bila mendapati koneksi internet yang terkadang lambat atau makin lama makin lambat yang membuat anda bisa menunggu 15 menit atau 20 menit atau bahkan lebih.Bila Anda yang pernah mengalami masalah seperti itu khususnya pengguna speedy, tidak ada salahnya Anda mencoba cara bagaimana mengatasi koneksi

Saat Lajang Sperma Banyak Kok Setelah Nikah Jadi Sedikit

Saat Lajang Sperma Banyak Kok Setelah Nikah Jadi Sedikit - Dok, kenapa sperma saya cuma sedikit? Sampai saat ini saya belum punya anak. Sebelum menikah saya sudah melakukan hubungan seks (usia 19 tahun). Waktu itu sperma saya keluarnya banyak. Saya mau tanya apa ada obatnya supaya sperma banyak? Terimakasih Dok.
Budi (Pria Menikah, 42 Tahun), abud-XXX@ymail.comTinggi Badan 160 Cm dan Berat Badan

'n Vreemde aand by Taekwon-Do

Gisteraand het ek 'n vreemde aand by Taekwon-Do gehad. Gedurende die klas het ek probeer om met die kwangjangnim (hoofinstrukteer) te gesels oor bloed pH vlakke en die effek van kaas en alkahol op jou liggaam se pH. My gebrekkige Koreaans en sy gebrekkige Engels het nie ver gekom nie. Maar dit was nie die vreemde ding nie. Direk na die klas moes ek vinnig my Taekwon-do dobok uittrek en my Hapkido dobok aanttrek vir fotos. Een van die klas se studente is besig om 'n artikel te skryf oor verskillende krygskunste vir 'n tydskrif en het iemand nodig gehad om Hapkido dinge te illustreer. Ek moes 'n klomp keer die vooroor rol doen sodat hy verskillende fases van dieselfde tegniek bo-oor mekaar kan blootstel om sodoende 'n interesante dinamiese eindfoto te bekom. Dit was ook nie die vreemde ding van die aand nie. Na Taekwon-Do en ook na die grondwerkklas het ons volwassenes na 'n kroeg toe gegaan. Ek het soos gewoonlik niks gedrink nie, terwyl die ander soju (Koreaanse aartappelwyn) en makgeolli (melk-ryswys) geniet het. Ook niks vreemd hier nie. Die enigste vrou in die groep het so dronk geraak dat sy nie regop kon bly nie en ons moes haar vergesel na haar huis toe. Op 'n stadium het sy besluit dat ons nou ver genoeg saam met haar geloop het, en is ons aangesê om terug te draai, sy sal self verder gaan. Ons het toe maak so gemaak. Halfpad oppad na die moltrein toe, bel sy en vra dat ons haar asseblief moet kom help, sy kan nie haar woonstel kry nie. Okay, so hierdie deel was bietjie vreemd, maar steeds nie die vreemdste deel nie. Die vreemdste deel het gebeur in die moltrein oppad huis toe. My afrigter neem my nuwe slimfoon by my hoor en soek na iets op YouTube. Uiteindelik kry hy dit en speel dit vir my. Dis een van sy gunsteling liedjies.

'n Baie vreemde ervaring.

5 Cara Cepat Membersihkan Rumah Anda

5 Cara Cepat Membersihkan Rumah Anda - Setiap hari Anda dihadapkan pada tugas membersihkan rumah. Namun saat urusan rumah tangga lainnya menyita waktu, tugas ini bisa jadi terlewat. Bagaimana membersihkan rumah dengan cepat?
1. Bersihkan yang PentingDilansir she knows, salah satu dari rahasia membersihkan rumah dengan cepat adalah dengan mengutamakan membersihkan yang penting-penting. Pertama

Daftar 20 Password yang Harus Dihindari

Daftar 20 Password yang Harus Dihindari - Apakah Anda sering memakai deretan angka ’123456' sebagai password? Jika ya, segera ganti kata kunci Anda karena password tersebut adalah password yang paling rentan terhadap aksi pembajakan. Data ini mengacu pada hasil curian hacker dari situs RockYou yang terjadi Desember tahun 2009.
Hacker membobol database perusahaan RockYou dan mengakses username

Tips Bagaimana Merawat Laptop / Notebook

Tips Bagaimana Merawat Laptop / Notebook - Ketemu lagi diartikel kali ini. Anda tentu tidak asing lagi dengan namanya laptop/notebook. Laptop/notebook termasuk barang  berharga buat kita Oleh karena itu kita harus tahu bagaimana cara merawat laptop/notebook kesayangan kita. Dibawah ini ada beberapa tips cara merawat laptop/notebook :

1. Jika kita tidak pake UPS, lebih baik baterai laptop tidak

Komputer Grafis Unggul di Masa Mendatang

Komputer Grafis Unggul di Masa Mendatang - Sejak kesuksesan Avatar, industri teknologi mulai mengarah pada komputer grafis. Tak heran banyak pengamat teknologi memperkirakan komputer grafis menjadi teknologi unggulan di masa mendatang.
Analisa itu dikemukakan pakar pengamat teknologi bahwa era sekarang ini merupakan era komputer grafis. Pasalnya game online yang meningkat dalam satu dekade ini

Tips Rapikan Bulu Dengan Shaving

Pada artikel kali ini happy blogging today akan berbagi tips kepada Anda. Apa itu tpsnya, tips kali ini ialah merapikan bulu dengan shaving. Ok, untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai tips kali ini silahkan baca uraian dibawah ini
Apakah Anda punya bulu yang mengganggu penampilan Anda? Apakah Anda malas pergi ke salon untuk melakukan serangkaian perawatan pencabutan bulu? Apabila iya, Sekarang Anda tak

Wafatnya Adjie Massaid Tanda Dekatnya Hari Kiamat

Wafatnya Adjie Massaid Tanda Dekatnya Hari Kiamat - Kabar meninggalnya artis yang yang menjadi politisi dari Partai Demokrat, Adjie Massaid, terasa mengejutkan. Banyak orang yang mengaku tak percaya dengan wafatnya suami dari Angelina Sondakh itu. Bahkan, tak sedikit orang yang menganggap kabar itu hanya kabar bohong saja tapi itulah kenyataan.
Lalu apa pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil dari

Trik Mengoptimalkan Pendapatan Di LinkWorth

Trik Mengoptimalkan  Pendapatan  Di LinkWorth - Artikel ini menunjukkan trik-trik untuk meraih earning maksimal mungkin melalui LinkWords. Bagi Anda yang berkecimpung di LinkWork tidak ada salahnya anda mencoba trik-trik yang ada di bawah ini :

1. Buat Posting tentang LinkWorth. Jelaskan pada pengunjung anda bahwa anda mengikuti program PPC dari LinkWords. Karena link yang menempel pada keyword

Waspadai Kematian Mendadak Usai Olahraga

Waspadai Kematian Mendadak Usai Olahraga - Melakukan gerak badan secara teratur banyak disarankan untuk mengurangi penyakit kardiovaskular. Namun, tidak sedikit orang yang justru terkena serangan jantung setelah berolahraga. Sebelumnya, seniman Betawi Benyamin S dan pelawak Basuki meninggal saat bermain bola. Terakhir, aktor sekaligus politisi Partai Demokrat Adjie Massaid menghembuskan nafas

Terapi Hormon Sebelum Menopause Memicu Kanker Payudara

Terapi Hormon Sebelum Menopause Memicu Kanker Payudara - Artikel kali ini akan menjelaskan kepada Anda terapi hormon sebelum menopause memicu kanker payudara. Berkaitan dengan kanker payudara apa yang terbayang sama Anda? Pastinya Anda berharap itu tidak akan terjadi pada diri Anda. Ok, langsung saja keulasan artikel kali ini.
Perempuan yang melakukan terapi penggantian hormon atau hormone

Alasan Pria Tetap Langsing

Inilah Alasan Pria Tetap Langsing - Aneh dan mengherankan sepintas terbayang sama saya, tapi inilah kenyataan. Ok, pada artikel kali ini happy blogging today akan berbagi pengetahuan kepada Anda tentang " Alasan Pria Tetap Langsing " untuk lebih jelasnya baca terus sampai selesai, ok?
Sementara perempuan bergulat keras dan membutuhkan beberapa waktu mengupayakan penurunan berat badan, di saat

Apa Itu Keju?

Apa Itu Keju? Pertanyaan seperti ini biasanya hanya terlontar dari Anak-anak. Tapi Anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena Happy blogging today kali ini  ingin menjelaskan kepada Anda tentang keju, langsung saja kita mengenal apa itu keju? Keju (dipinjam dari bahasa Portugis, queijo) adalah sebuah makanan yang dihasilkan dengan memisahkan zat-zat padat dalam susu melalui proses pengentalan atau

Video Kuwait vs China [0-2] - Asian Cup 2011

Kuwait vs China [0-2] - Asian Cup 2011

     Asian Games Kuwait vs China [0-2] Full Highlights 2011 Asian Cup 08-01-2011

08-01-2011 Mesaed Kick in the eggs Sent Off KUWAIT vs CHINA Asian Cup 2011

I Miss Hong Kong

I've been to Hong Kong only once, and only for a small number of days. Three? Four? Five? I cannot remember. Recently, I've been overcome with a sudden feeling of longing for Hong Kong. I'm not sure what brought it on – probably the time of the year. Around this time last year I was in Hong Kong. It was my hope to go travel somewhere again, but because of a friend's wedding this coming weekend and an otherwise tighter budget, I decided not to go anywhere, apart, of course, from my annual South Africa visit coming up. Still, I really miss Hong Kong. I would never have thought that I'd miss a place that I've been to for only a couple of days. Then again, why not? If I can love people within hours upon meeting them, growing affectionate towards a place within a couple of days is not that far fetched.

So what is it about Hong Kong that I like? Firstly, I would say, it is the rustic charm mixed with modern development. Hong Kong has a steam punk quality to it. Also, Hong Kong reminded me of parts of South Africa, particularly Durban, KwaZulu Natal. It is a multicultural blend of Oriental, Occidental and African; China, England and Nigeria. The weather as well, reminded me of KwaZulu Natal.

My previous visit to Hong Kong was far too short. I definitely need to return there soon, although I don't know when I will have the opportunity again. My probable schedule for this year is quite busy already. In the meantime I'm trying to quench my Hong Kong thirst with some Hong Kong films. Last night I watched Jackie Chan's New Police Story and tonight, Internal Affairs. I'm suspecting that it is just making my longing for Hong Kong greater.

Quora Muncul, Kalahkan Twitter

Quora Muncul, Kalahkan Twitter - Sepanjang tahun 2010, popularitas Facebook dan Twitter bak di atas angin. Sebaliknya, MySpace, Friendster, dan Bebo, perlahan-lahan memudar di jagat jejaring sosial. Apa kabar jejaring sosial di tahun 2011?

Ada yang mengatakan Facebook batal IPO meski valuasinya sudah mencapai Rp450 triliun, MySpace dijual, hingga Twitter yang mulai membosankan. Namun, bicara

Movies in 2010

I'm sure this is not a complete list of all the films I've seen in 2010, but these are all I can think of at the moment. Some of the films date from 2009 (indicated in parenthesis), but I only got to see them in Korea during 2010. The sad thing about this list, which is in no particular order, is that most of these films are nothing to write home about.  The films that really stand out to me as noteworthy films are printed in bold.

The Bounty Hunter
Jeon Woo Chi: The Taoist Wizard (2009)
District 13: Ultimatum
Crazy Heart (2009)
Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief
The Crazies
Solomon Kane (2009)
Alice in Wonderland
Green Zone
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
How to Train Your Dragon
Clash of the Titans
Raging Phoenix (2009)
Kick Ass
The Good, The Bad, The Weird
Iron Man 2
Robin Hood
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
The Karate Kid
Toy Story 3
Julie & Julia (2009)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
The Last Airbender
The Soloist (2009)
Step Up 3D
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Eat Pray Love
Resident Evil 4: Afterlife
Legends of the Guardians
Warrior's Way
Let the Right One In
The Social Network
Ip Man 2
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Tron Legacy
The Man from Nowhere (아저씨) 
Planet 51
The Ghost Writer
Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame
The Road (2009)
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
The Expendables
Bodyguards and Assassins (2009)

Galaksi Andromeda dan Bima Sakti Saling Mendekat

Galaksi Andromeda dan Bima Sakti Saling Mendekat - Galaksi Andromeda dan galaksi Bima Sakti tempat planet Bumi berada merupakan dua galaksi raksasa yang bertetangga. Keduanya hanya terpisah jarak 2,5 juta tahun cahaya atau sekitar 18,8 triliun kilometer.
Sebelumnya, galaksi Andromeda memiliki ukuran lebih kecil. Namun sepanjang perjalananan hidupnya, galaksi itu “memakan” sejumlah galaksi kecil

LOLSnaps en 2011

Ek het sopas vir 'n uur lank na LOLSnaps.Com prentjies gekyk. Dan praat ek nie eens van die tyd wat ek gisteraand op daardie webbladsy deur gebring het nie. Ek hoop nie dat dit reflekteer op die res van 2011 vir my nie. So waaroor gaan Lolsnaps? Hier is 'n proefmonstertjie:


Nadal dan Timnas Spanyol Terbaik

Nadal dan Timnas Spanyol Terbaik - Petenis Rafael Nadal, atlet ski Lindsey Vonn dan timnas sepakbola Spanyol meraih penghargaan Laureus sebagai yang terbaik di dunia olah raga.
Nadal, peringkat 1 dunia, meraih tiga gelar juara turnamen grand slam tahun lalu. Ia terpilih sebagai atlet pria terbaik mengalahkan bintang NBA, Kobe Bryant, petinju Filipina, Manny Pacquiao dan bintang sepakbola

Ipadio Live Stream Test for #dr11

   Ipadio Live Stream Test for #dr11

"Hello, welcome to the first ever Digital Researcher at 2011 Podcast. This is Alan Cann. We're experimenting with a variety of platforms to see if we can provide some live streaming content in addition to the online media such as Twitter and all of the other documents which will be online for the Digital Researcher meeting. We know that everybody can't be

Thoshiba Dynabook Qosmio T750 Notebook yang Dapat Berubah Warna

Thoshiba Dynabook Qosmio  T750 Notebook / Laptop yang Dapat Berubah Warna - Kali ini happy blogging today akan memberikan informasi terbaru dari laptop Thoshiba. Informasi ini sangat menarik buat Anda terlebih lagi bagi Anda yang telah merasa bosan dengan tampilan notebook Anda. Perlu anda ketahui baru-baru ini Thoshiba melunjurkan produk terbarunya yaitu Toshiba Dynabook Qosmio T750 yang menarik