Thailand: Quick Update

My time in Thailand has been good so far. I don't have easy access to the Internet, so I will write a more thorough update when I return next week.

I've visited a variety of interesting projects ranging from reducing sugar intake among children, sex education, and elephant conservation. I've also attended sessions on Thai herbal medicine, malnutrition, and so on. My cultural sight-seeing has been limited so far, although I have seen school children performing plays, elderly people perform a traditional dance in honour of the Moon Goddess and ate fabulous healthy vegetarian Thai cuisine. I've also demonstrated a Taekwon-Do pattern ("Choong-Moo") to some high officials in the Thai ministry, related to the police force.

Tomorrow we are going to Bangkok to visit a hospital there. Saturday I'll go to a Sabbath-keeping community (where I'm likely to sing an Afrikaans song -- "God is liefde, juig ons harte"). In the afternoon I'm scheduled to visit the Grand Palace and in the evening some famous open market. Sunday we'll go to some crocodile farm and famous rose garden, although I'm planning to sneak away and visit the ITF Taekwon-dojang.

I'll be sure to post some photos with my future updates.

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