Some Random Things I Don't Know and Things I Do Know

I'm really out of it. There are so many things with which I'm not in the loop:

  • When did the last episode of Oprah air? I haven't watched a single episode of Oprah in the last two years.
  • Who is the new American Idol winner that praised God for his success and how does he sound like? He must be an extraordinarily great singer to win that competition while being so open about his Christian beliefs in a country where Christianity has unfortunately become equated with the Religious Right and uneducated red neck fanatics.
  • I've not seen a single episode of Glee; don't know the actors/actresses names or what they look like. What is Glee about in any case? I know it contains some singing and dancing. Is it something like High School Musical? Not that I know much about that either.
  • I didn't watch the Royal Wedding and the only pictures I saw of it was of those ugly Lady Gagaesque hats.
  • I don't know what the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie is about.
  • I forgot that I actually saw Hangover (2009) and confused Hangover II to be a sequel to that old Stallone film, Cliffhanger (1993).
  • I don't know what's special about the iPhone 5. Is it supposed to be translucent or something? 
  • I haven't read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, so I'm not sure if I should be excited about the trailer of the movie based on the novel.
  • I did not know of the volcanic eruption in Iceland just over a week ago, until today. (See a beautiful video of it here.)
  • I forgot about Africa Day until the day was practically over.
  • I know there have been some terrible tornadoes in the USA recently, but know very little about where they occurred or are occurring and the damage so far. 
  • I didn't know Brad and Angelina got back together again. I thought they had split up.
And so on. What do I know? I know governments are lying. I know that the FBI is targeting political activists as terrorists and that Obama continues Bush's legacy by extending the Patriot Act and other draconian laws. I know that Kung Fu Panda 2 is not as good as the first. I know it is officially summer in Korea. I know my apartment is a mess and that I'm not in the mood to clean it, hence this post.

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