I have never used my blog for something of this sort, but the situation is so terrible that I'm now even turning to the Internet.
Ek het nog nooit my blog gebruik vir enige iets van die aard nie, maar die situasie is so derglik dat ek myself nou selfs tot die Internet wend.
My older brother is likely to be evicted from his home; a small holding worth around R800 000. If he does not get a buyer soon, he will be forced out on the streets and with him his love, her child, and our 75 year old disabled father. My father was shot in the head during an armed robbery (just another violent crime statistic in South Africa), leaving him partially paralysed. He has function over one leg and arm and can thankfully move himself around in a wheelchair, but the bullet destroyed an eye, and left him without the ability to speak. He is therefore completely dependent on my elder brother for care.
My ouer broer gaan moontlik uit die huis gesit word waarin hy bly; 'n plot wat sowat R800 000 werd is. Indien hy nie binnekort 'n koper kry nie, sit hy op straat en saam met hom sy geliefde, haar kind, en ons 75 jaar oue gestremde pa. My pa was tydens 'n rooftog in die kop geskiet (net nog 'n geweldmisdaadstatistiek in Suid-Afrika) wat hom gedeeltelik verlam gelaat het. Hy het beheer oor een been en arm en kan hom gelukkig self in 'n rolstoel rond beweeg, maar die koeël het 'n oog geëis, asook sy vermoeë om te praat. Hy is dus heeltemal afhanklik van my ouer broer vir versorging.
If my brother does not find a buyer, then the small holding will be sold at a lower value price that will just cover the money owed, and leave no profit. This means that my brother will not have any money to relocate elsewhere.
Indien my broer nie self 'n koper kry nie, gaan die plot teen 'n laer prys verkoop word wat slegs die uitstaande skuld gaan dek, maar geen wins sal oorlaat nie. Dit beteken dat my broer geen geld sal hê om 'n ander heenkome te vind nie.
So what is it that I'm asking? Truthfully, I do not know what I'm asking. Maybe there is a reader whom is interested to buy a small holding? Maybe someone knows of a solution to this situation? Maybe someone feels inspired to help in some other way?
So wat vra ek? Om eerlik te wees, ek weet nie waarvoor ek vra nie. Miskien is daar 'n leser wat sou belangstel om 'n plot te koop? Dalk het iemand 'n oplossing vir die situasie? Miskien voel iemand geïnspireer om op 'n ander manier te help?
If you can help in any way, please contact me at skryfblok at blogspot dot com.
Indien jy op enige wyse kan help, kontak my asseblief by skryfblok by blogspot dot com.
Prayer will also be appreciated.
Gebed sal ook waardeur word.
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