Following are ten sets of Two-Lies-and-a-Truth about me. Can you guess the Truths?
1. At a time as I child I considered becoming _______ when I grow up:
A. a policeman.
B. a porn star.
C. a horse trainer.
2. I dream of one day learning to:
A. fly a helicopter.
B. juggle.
C. cook Korean food.
3. I once considered studying:
A. Nano-engineering.
B. Biochemistry.
C. Criminology.
4. I'm sad when:
A. babies are born.
B. my baking flops.
C. my pens run out of ink.
5. I'm secretly a fan of:
A. Justin Bieber.
B. Robbie Williams.
C. Apple products.
6. An instrument I would like to own is:
A. a saxophone.
B. a theremin.
C. a xylophone.
7. A piano style I would like to master is:
A. jazz piano.
B. classical piano.
C. acoustic piano.
8. Poetry I wish I could write better is:
A. political poetry.
B. limericks.
C. psalms.
9. The fruit I consume the most is:
A. tangerines.
B. apples.
C. bananas.
10. My hair that bothers me the most is my:
A. grey hair.
B. nose hair.
C. shoulder hair.
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