
I’ve always been negative towards Modernism. And while I do not embrace the postmodern sentiment in its entirety, I do resonate with it at many levels. So yes, one would not be off the mark to label me a postmodernist.

Today I stumbled onto this quote regarding Modernism by sci-fi horror author H. P. Lovecraft on one of the blogs I follow.

It is not a true civilization, and has nothing in it to satisfy a mature and fully developed human mind. It is attuned to the mentality of the galley-slave and the moron, and crushes relentlessly with disapproval, ridicule, and economic annihilation any sign of actually independent thought and civilised feeling which chances to rise above its sodden level. It is a treadmill, squirrel-trap culture – drugged and frenzied with the hashish of industrial servitude and material luxury. It is wholly a material body-culture, and its symbol is the tiled bathroom and steam radiator rather than the Doric portico and the temple of philosophy. Its denizens do not live or know how to live.
Lovecraft’s observation of Modernism is spot-on and much of it is still in effect today. After all, Postmodernism is not “post-“ Modernism, but “para-“ Modernism, as (I think) Brian McHale explains the current zeitgeist.

To Accept a (Sincere) Gift

Last night something strange—uncomfortable—happened. My instructor paid me.

When I joined the ITF Taekwon-Do school in Seoul in 2008 I introduced myself to my instructor, sharing with him my Taekwon-Do history. When he heard that I have my own Taekwon-Do dojang in South Africa, and furthermore, that I am on the board of directors for the national governing body of Taekwon-Do in South Africa, he adamantly refused that I pay class fees. I tried to pay, but he would not accept my money.

So I decided to be an active member of the gym, “paying” through my service. I would occasionally teach a class and act as an assistant instructor. In the meantime I’ve become a regular instructor teaching a designated class once a week (focusing on self-defence). Sometimes I’m also approached to help with a little translation work and editing of material in English. I have also been appointed International Liaison Officer (the Korean title is: "International Cultural Exchange Officer") for ITF-Korea; basically, I help with correspondences that require a high degree of fluency in English on behalf of ITF-Korea. All of this I’ve done gladly; considering it my way of compensating for the luxury of getting quality instruction and training at the gym. These exertions have always been a small price to pay. Some might argue that I ought to at least get paid for the regular class I teach. After all, there are other outside instructors at the gym who teach grappling classes and whom are paid for their services by the gym, why shouldn’t I get paid? Well, while these outside instructors teach at the gym, they do not also train at the gym like me. Since I train there, I ought also to pay the approximate $100 per month, but I don’t. I train for free. Teaching, I’ve always believed, is my way of paying. In any case, I’m very passionate about teaching martial arts and would probably have begged him to teach a class in any case. Actually, if my normal workload was not so heavy, I would probably have insisted on teaching two weekly classes, instead of just one. (I've been teaching martial arts for over a decade. It has become such a part of my identity, that not to teach would just feel bizarre.) Besides, acting as an assistant instructor is the normal duty of any active black belt. In most martial arts it is expected of all senior ranks to willingly share their knowledge with lower ranks when training together.

Last night on our way home my instructor handed me an envelope. I peeked inside and saw that it contained money. I was shocked and refused to take it, explaining to him that since I do not pay class fees it is not necessary for me to be paid anything. He insisted and refused to take it back. Eventually I reluctantly conceded.

Sometimes, even if it makes you uncomfortable, one needs to accept gifts that are given sincerely. Not so much for your own sake, but for the sake of the other person who wishes to express their gratitude. By refusing the gift you are actually robbing them of the genuine joy of giving. The money still makes me feel unfomfortable and I haven't even checked how much is in the envelope. Yet I understand that my instructor wished to show his appreciation, and my heart is warmed by it.

I wonder . . .

. . . what is the significance of the different modes of suicide by the female characters in Shakespeare's tragedies.

Vampire Slayer

Tonight on the subway back home I saw something most interesting. I think I saw a Korean vampire-slayer. Seriously. This guy came rushing pass me and the other commuters, dashing from the one train carriage to the next. In one hand he held a big wooden crucifix, probably about half a meter in length. On his lapels, as well, there were crucifix pins. He was dressed in very comfortable average looking clothing—sneakers, sweatpants, and the like. Not the typical Hollywood—think Wesley Snipes in Blade—type of attire; rather practical clothing. The type of clothing one could fight in. He definitely did not look like some kind of evangelist or missionary, which in Korea are usually dressed quite formally. The way he passed us was particularly fascinating. He moved through the line of people as if he had a very specific and serious purpose; paying little attention to us “ignorant ones.” He was on a mission; a mission to slay a vampire.


One of my favourite comicstrips is xkcd. I could spend hours browsing through comic after comic. Here are just a couple to give you an idea of xkcd's humour.

Self-Portraits: Quickly

A friend of mine has two tripods, so he offered to lend me one. This will make life much easier as far as my self-portraits are concerned. In the past I balanced my camera on a pile of books, stacked on my ironing board. Now I actually have an adjustable tripod to use. These two "quick" photos are the happy result of the tripod.

'n Moeilike ding: skerm & kritiek ('n Koreaanse gevallestudie)

Verlede week het ek 'n moeilike ding gedoen. Ek het gedwonge gevoel om aan my instrukteur te noem dat ek nie heeltemal oortuig is dat een van sy assistente afrigters bekwaan is om 'n sekere klas afterig nie. "He gets hurt easily," het ek as motivering bygevoeg.

Ons krygskunsskool begin vanaand met 'n nuwe klas (elke Maandag-, Woensdag-, en Vrydagaand). Dit is 'n klas in staande skerm ("stand-up fighting"), gebasseer op skopboks, Muay Thai, Taekwon-Do, en boks. Die klasse gaan dis fokus op skerm ("sparring"). Die probleem is egter dat ek nie heeltemal seker is dat die bepaalde afrigter wat hierdie klasse gaan aanbied die hardheid het wat daarvoor nodig is nie. Met "hardheid" bedoel ek, dat hy hard getref kan word, dit van hom kan afskud en met 'n koelkop, sonder om sy humeur te verloor, kan aangaan om sy studente af te rig nie. Wanneer jy, as instrukteur, studente afrig gebeur dit dat die student soms met 'n goeie skoot deurkom en jou onverwags, en baie hard, tref. (Beginners het min selfbeheursing, so hulle kan nie altyd die krag van hulle tegnieke tem nie.)

Ek maak hierdie aantuiging teen die afrigter omdat ek al twee keer met hom geskerm het en hom seer gemaak het. Nie aspris nie; dit was bloot tegnieke wat in die hitte van 'n dinamiese skerm goed geland het. Een van die kere was meer spesifiek sy eie fout waartydens hy in my tegniek in gehardloop het. Elke keer, in my opinie, het sy reaksie getuig dat hy nie hard genoeg is nie. Om meer spesifiek te wees, hy kon omtrent nie met die klas verder aangaan nie. Nou wel, as jy 'n klas in skerm gaan afrig moet jy die kastyding kan verwerk en aangaan. Ek onthou eenkeer toe ek aan 'n toernooi deelgeneem het, het my opponent my in die keel geskop. Dit was skokkend en ek wou vir 'n wyle stop net om asem te skep. My eie afrigter was op daardie oomblik die skeidsregter. Hy het eenvoudig vir my gevra: "Is jy dood?" Toe ek "nee" sê, was sy reaksie, ". . . dan gaan aan," en het hy onmiddelik die geveg voortgesit. Hierdie ervaring was vir my 'n waardevolle les. 'n Les wat nodig is vir enige afrigter was skerm wil afrig.

Die rede hoekom dit vir my moeilik was om vir my instrukteur te sê dat ek nie seker is of die afrigter in staat is om daardie klas aan te bied nie, is tweedelig. Eerstens omdat dit in die Koreaanse kultuur 'n belediging kan wees teenoor die instrukteur. Dit is sy topstudent, wat hyself afgerig het, wie se kwalifikasie ek in twyfel trek. By implikasie betwyfel ek nie net die student nie, maar ook sy afrigter; naamlik, my instrukteur. Tweedens, betwyfel ek my afrigter se oordeel. In Korea is "saving face" baie belangrik en daarom sê 'n mens nie sommer vir iemand in hulle gesig dat hulle verkeerd is nie -- veral nie iemand wat jou senior is nie.

My instrukteur het dit gelukkig nie persoonlik opgeneem nie, en toe ek vir hom byvoeg dat die afrigter "gets hurt easily" het hy bloot begin lag, en gesê dat hy besig is om met hom te werk, en hom kweek vir daardie rol. Ek is bly dat ek en hy so 'n oop verhouding kan hê. Alhoewel hy tienjaar ouer is as ek en my instrukteur is, en ek al die nodige respekvorme teenoor hom handhaaf, stel hy my steeds aan mense voor as sy 친구 (gelyke vriend). In Korea kan iemand slegs jou 친구 wees indien die persoon van jou eie portuur is, menende jou eie ouderdom (let wel, nie ouderdomsgroep nie, maar in dieselfde jaar as jy gebore) en gewoonlik ook sosiale vlak.

Die skermklasse begin vanaand. Ek gaan slegs na hierdie krygskunsskool op Dinsdag- en Donderdagaande, so ek sal dit nie kan bywoon nie.

A Shoe on a Step at a Pedestrian Crossing Bridge Late at Night Somewhere in Seoul

Self-Portraits: "White Glove"

I stumbled upon these self-portraits on my computer just now, which I had taken at the beginning of 2009. Maybe I was too shy to post them back then, but since all personal blogs are, in part, exhibitionist, here they are in all their jocund silliness.

Lente bloeisels / Cherry Blossoms

"Conspiracy Interview Room"

Today I saw this direction board in the Student Affairs Building at a university in Seoul. Notice all the interesting rooms available.

Look specifically at Room 108. Here it is zoomed in for your convenience:

Now at first I thought it is merely an example of bad translation from Korean into English. Curious as to what such a "Conspiracy Interview Room" might look like, I went off in search of Room 108. I found Room 107, the "Spiritual Education Counseling Office" with its big friendly non-suspicious looking glass doors quite easily.

But for the life of me I could not find Room 108. There is just not a Room 108 on the floor (nor on the second floor or in the basement -- I really went searching for it), nor any sign to indicate where the "Conspiracy Interview Room" ought to be. What I did find however, is the following door, where one would expect Room 108 to be.

It was, of course, locked. A door like this could give rise to conspiracies . . .

My droom

Die gesatureerde rooi ligtoring het ek in 2006 in Oido, Korea, afgeneem. Dit voel na 'n leeftyd gelede!

Toe ek jonger was het ek baie gefantaseer dat ek eendag ’n ligtoringoperateer sal wees. Dit is natuurlik bloot ’n verskoning om self in die ligtoring te bly. Dit klink vir my na ’n ideale werkspaket. Jy het gratis verblyf by die see met jou eie besonderse uitsig en al wat jy hoef te doen is om twee keer per dag die lig te gaan aan of af sit. Daar is sekerlik ander instandhoudingswerk wat met ligtorings gepaard gaan, maar oor die algemeen is jy vry met baie tyd om ander dinge te doen. My persoonlik voorkeur sal wees om tydens al my vrye tyd voltyds te skryf, te skilder, en ander kunsgedrewe projekte aan te pak.

Elke keer wat ek ’n ligtoring sien kom my ou herinneringe opnuut by my op. Ek wens ek kan in ’n ligtoring bly. Ek en my kat.Ek wens ek het ’n kat. Ek wens ek het ’n werk as 'n ligtoringoperateer en ’n kat.

ZANews: "The Dark Continent" and other news

In less humurous news, President Jacob Zuma has let Julius "Malema of the Hook," dropping all disciplinary charges against the ANC Youth League leader whom accosts journalists, performs hate speech, and asks Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe for advice on how to ruin a country go about land reform.

Zuma's spinelessness makes two points clear.

First, Zuma's own immoral behaviour makes it impossible for him to be a moral guiding light to anybody in this country. How could Zuma reprimand Malema when he has no personal moral currency left? His adulterous behaviour has made him (and South Africa) the laughing stock of the political world. Are we really to expect Malema to accept a "do as I say, not as I do" admonition?

Second, it really does seem that Malema has some kind of control over Zuma, and it would seem to be something other than just the support of the Youth League. Almost like he knows a dirty secret about the president, which he is using as his trump card ("get out of jail card").


In much more interesting news, South Korea has detained two North Korean spies that were on an assassination mission.